Friday, March 2, 2012

The "off day"

Not every day is a good training day. I have had a few set backs this season. Pain in the hips, aching shins, ankle pains, but I continually move past them with a little rest and ice of course. With taking days off or just changing up my workout, the pain I felt would subside.
Last Saturday, at practice, it was quite the "off day" for me. I wasn't feeling pain in my legs, it was more so my breathing was off and i mentally felt a bit of a challenge. Maybe I didn't hydrate enough the day before but I could tell it felt like I weird running day for me. The first 4 or so miles were going well but once I made it to JPL it went downhill for a while, on my way to the triangle bridge I had fall #1, but I dusted myself off and made my way along the trail to get to good ole Elmer, but before reaching Elmer fall #2 was in my midst, it wasn't too hard of a fall but my pants got dirty and my hands became enemies with the dirt and rocks beneath them.  I high fived the Elmer sign, made my way back to coach Nat and coach Ryan by the rocks but not before fall #3 happened somewhere along the way. I am fine with falling, but I had never fallen at a practice before-- and never 3 times in the course of like an hour!!! The worst part is falling and having no one else around to laugh with. Because, with every fall I have, it would be easier to laugh it off and then get up but this time I was just laughing alone, and that's not quite as enjoyable. I made it to coach Nat and Ryan, caught my breath, got some water and made my way to the dam aid station. I decided I would be only doing 13 miles for the day, and do more walking intervals.
I finally made my way to the Dam Aid Station (around mile 9 or 10) where there were firefighters practicing repelling down the bridge. After staying there for 10 or so minutes I made my way down "Big Daddy"-- where I, guess?!! Had a little slip! Darn you, Big Daddy, and all those darn rocks! You are not my friends! But I got back up, with rocks indented in my palms and began my intervals again. My pace slowing, but still moving. With less than 2 miles to go, I was at the Rose Bowl loop and here it is... one final slip. On what you may ask? A slip on a GU! An unfinished Gu, that someone left laying on the ground, so a slip turned into the splits (almost), with not a single person around! So there I am on the ground, seriously dislike Gu. After alll that, I finally made my way to lot k, which means only a mile to go, and who do I see? Coach Nat. Perfect timing. After seeing her the last mile wasn't too bad. But let me tell you, it was quite a day! A training day I won't forget. It is crazy how a run can differ so much from the last! 
Here is to many more runs! Hopefully none like this though!

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